Sunday, August 9, 2009

These are some activities and sites we like!

First the Homeschool A-Z site has a wealth of great information if this is your first time homeschooling. We have found curriculum, resources, lesson plans, printable downloads, methods, and links to laws in your state. We are planning on doing so much there is not enough time to tell you everything but here are some ideas!
We will have one letter to practice writing each week until they can write them and you can read them (I can read Star's letters now). We will do a unit study every week, the first week is school, so every book we read, song we sing, craft we do, and activities we do will pertain to school. We are introducing tot-trays, which are trays they work independently with rice, beans, sand, water, glitter,shells, paints or anything else you can come up with. They have tools like funnels, pitchers to pour, measuring cups, or tea candle holders and they sort, pour, measure, just experience the different senses they may use, hopefully not taste. For math we are using cubes, jumping for addition, and softschool online. At this age they still need objects to identify "how many" so we have counting bears, and beads that we will use daily.
For reading we are going to get the books that pertain to the unit that week. Starfall is one site we are using for phonics, we also have workbooks, slide cards and pocket charts. Star has a mini office that we loved creating together, and we are going to enjoy this time, give them tools to grow, and encourage natural curiosity. Saad will do Arabic and Qur'an studies with flash cards, and books we have to teach them basic writing and reading in Arabic. I hope that gives you some insight into what our days ahead are going to look like.

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