Saturday, May 29, 2010

Been too long.....

Starting the garden
Kayak at the childen's musuem

Again this blog has fallen on the back burner so to speak! We have been soooo busy planting gardens, watching over caterpillars, My husband's parents are here from Morocco, and we have been planning what we are going to use for Star next year. So I have thought about updating all the days or at least weeks activities but it seems impossible for me to sit here when I can be playing outside right now :) Our days typically go like this right now......up at 7:30-8:00, eat and TV until 9, read together do some school, go to park or play group, then home for lunch and nap, after nap lately has been the water parks until dinner time or they close, then home, baths and bed by 8:00. We have 5 caterpillars that are transforming and are in the puppa stage now so hopefully we will have butterfly's soon. We are doing lots of outdoor activities now and identifying plants, flowers, birds and bugs so this is what we will continue through the summer. When we start Kindergarten in the Fall we are going to use the Charlotte Mason method which is what we have done all along. It is Literature based and the lessons are short 20 minutes each. you use living books to get the children to learn from real experiences rather than workbooks or fictional books. We have read all the recommended books so far and like the fact they are learning and don't even know then we just ask questions to make sure they get it or draw a picture. When Star is able to write a little neater I will have her write the narration. We are still going to use 100 easy lessons, and Explore the Code. Sounds fun right? Time to go make lunch and off to the water park!